User-agent: * # Created by TYPO3 # Allow bot to enter Allow: / Allow: /fileadmin/* # Only allow URLs generated with RealURL Disallow: /*?id=* Disallow: /*&id=* # L=0 is the default language Disallow: /*?L=0* Disallow: /*&L=0* # typeNum = 98 is usually the print version. Disallow: /*?type=98* Disallow: /*&type=98* # Should always be protected (.htaccess) Disallow: /*/Private/* Disallow: /fileadmin/templates/* Disallow: /*/Configuration/* Disallow: /typo3* Allow: /typo3temp/*.css Allow: /typo3temp/*.css.*.gzip Allow: /typo3temp/*.js Allow: /typo3temp/*.js.*.gzip Allow: /typo3temp/*.jpg$ Allow: /typo3temp/*.gif$ Allow: /typo3temp/*.png$ Allow: /typo3/*.css Allow: /typo3/*.css.*.gzip Allow: /typo3/*.js Allow: /typo3/*.js.*.gzip Allow: /typo3/*.jpg$ Allow: /typo3/*.gif$ Allow: /typo3/*.png$ # allow public folders of extensions Allow: /typo3conf/ext/*/Public/* Disallow: *.sql Disallow: *.sql.gz # CHANGE this to your needs and remove comment Sitemap: